Saturday, 12 January 2013

Quantic Scruff - Nothing Extraordinary

Quantic Scruff by Nothing Extraordinary


  Swing meets drum and bass in this odd infusion from Nothing Extraordinary. A novel idea that could open people's eyes to a new sub genre.


  Unfortunately the mix is very wonky on this track and it needs a huge amount of work! the swing type jazzy stab is far too loud compared to the rest of the track, to the point where we can't really hear anything else. The drum beat sounds extremely muffled, as if it's coming from another room. And apart from those two elements, there doesn't seem to be anything else? I hear nothing that resembles a bassline!


  Certainly original, that's for sure, one of the more original tracks I've had to review. It's just such a shame that the mix was so terrible. This could have potential, if it was re-worked.


  Not much I can say here as the drum loop sounded like a pre made break, and the only other sound in the whole track was a string stab that repeated intermittently. There needed to be a whole heap of other sounds introduced to the track like bass, FX, and strings / pads / lead synth lines etc. There wasn't anywhere near enough content for me to fully write up on the sound design of this track.


  Debatable. Once the drum beat hits, it seems to flow fairly well, however, I struggle to work out if everything hits where it should and drops at the right point. I'm on the fence.....

KRONIX RATING - 3.5 / 10

Feel the Love - Rudimental (Al Capone Remix)

Rudimental - Feel the love (Al Capone Remix) by Al Capone UK


  A solid drum and bass remix of the popular "Feel the Love!" by Rudimental. Al Capone takes us on a journey through his rendition of this classic track.


  This track has a good mix, but it could be better. The sounds are all there, they just slightly clash with each other for space. It's not a huge dilemma as it's easily fixable. To me it sounds like area's have been boosted, instead of stripped away. For me, a solid mix comes from clever, technical removal of frequencies instead of over boosting of them, which I feel is the problem here. The sounds are better during the more stripped away pieces of the track which leads me to these thoughts.


  Not much can really be said on originality when it comes to a remix, as it is what it is, a remix of someone else's work. Although Al Capone has done a good job on keeping true to the original, while implementing his on take on it.


  There's some real nice quality sounds in this remix, and I'd like to draw attention to the bassline. Although a simple LFO envelope filter is in place it works extremely well and helps drive the track forward. All in all the sounds used here are good.


  The structure here is a solid one, with no problematic pauses or breaks happening unexpectedly. A very DJ friendly track that would sit well in any commercial drum and bass mix.


Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Expectancy - Menosance

Menosance - Expectancy by KRONIX


  A deep industrial, experimental drum and bass track. Menosance pulls out all the stops to try and draw attention to his skills.


  With such an experimental type of track it's really difficult to focus on any one aspect. For me this mix needs work. While at moments it sounds nice and clean, when the glitchy experimental parts occur, it kinda sounds all over the place. Drums need a lot more power and depth to them, maybe a break layered underneath the main aspects of the drums would help drive the track more.


  With experimentaion comes originality. And this experimental style definately brings gallons of originality to the table. The glitched out breaks with the right tender mixdown could be amazing in this track.


 Where do I begin? The sounds are so far fetched and absurd I don't even know what to say?! During the mellow pieces of track, the reece bass rolls along beautifully. But when that glitched out beat drops, it confuses me a lot! It's like part of me think's it should never work, other parts of me think it's absolute genius!


  It's hard to believe that such a vast array of oddness can be pressed into a standard structure, but it has, and works surprisingly well!


Silver Lining - Oversight & Endote

Oversight & Endote- Silver lining by oversight


 Oversight and Endote have teamed up to bring you a deep soulful ambient track that oozes lazy day feelings and sunset vibes. A perfect sunday afternoon chillout track to help calm the mood.


 Because of the minimal vibe of this track it's easy to get each element in their own space. What isn't easy is managing to maintain that "full" effect within the frequency spectrum, which is something these two have managed to do with great success. Although the track is minimal, it also sounds big and full. Panning and dynamics are spot on and the track engulfs me into it. A Wonderful experience.


  I don't listen to too much chillout, ambient stuff so I wouldn't really know how original it is. It's original to me, I know that much! And I really enjoyed listening to it, it was a nice break from the usual hard hitting fast paced action of what I normally encounter. So for that, I thank the pair of you for bringing it to my attention.


  There really are some beautiful sounds in this track, that deep low kick drum sets a lovely tone for the rest of the track, and the vinyl crackles also add atmosphere. The slow moving soundscapes that blend together are a dream to the ears.


  As I touched upon earlier, I'm not a regular listener of chillout / ambient, so I don't really know what the standards are regarding structure of a track. From what I can hear, it all sounds in place and on que.

KRONIX RATING - 7.5 / 10

Encounters - JukeMaluke

Encounters by JukeMaluke


  JukeMaluke is back with this drum and bass track and I'm guessing he wasn't taking my criticism of his last track lying down. Back better than ever he hits us hard and makes us pay attention.


  To any of you that read my last review of a JukeMaluke track, you may well remember I wasn't too impressed by the mixdown techniques he used. Well I'd first off like to say that this is a huge improvement over his last attempt. Don't get me wrong, there are still a few flaws that need ironing out, but he is definately heading in the right direction. All the elements are sitting well with each other, and sound pretty clear. That reverbed ride type hat is way too loud, and distracts my attention from the rest of the track, so I'm thankful it isn't continuous. A huge step up in production levels JukeMaluke, keep on this path.


  This isn't the most original piece of music I've heard, but it certainly doesn't follow the trends either. I can't really find much to say on the originality of the track. It's like going to the supermarket and wanting to buy a tin of soup, you know it's soup, but what flavour do you want? Well, this is drum and bass, and I wouldn't like to slam it into a sub genre.


  Some nice sounds used in this track. To me the standout sound is the bass. It has plenty of depth and character, although the continuity of it gets repetative, I think a break here and there with some stuttered notes would help break it up a bit.
  Drums are solid and punchy and really help drive the track along. I think a few more fills and percussive elements are needed to help fill out the spectrum a little more but apart from that I've got nothing negative to say.


  Another track that starts off with a drum beat, which is a god send for any DJ. Again, all the drops and breaks happen on point and there's nothing here that could throw a mix off track without warning. A good, sturdy structure.

KRONIX RATING - 6.5 / 10

Wont think Twice - Kroppah

Won't Think Twice by Kroppah


  A deep, heavy, industrial sounding drum and bass track with plenty of moody atmosphere. Kroppah brings back an old school flavour with this one.


  Mix doesn't sound too bad here. Not the best, but by no means the worst I've heard. All elements seem to sit nicely in their own space, and it's clear enough to be able to single out each element individually. I would have liked to have heard a little more high end shine with the vocals but apart from that, I'm clutching at straws.


  The vocal element certainly adds a slice of originality to the track, and overall it works well. However I do find the whole thing pretty repetative. It definately needs some change up's in there, whether it be drum switches, or a completely different melody / riff every 8-16 bars. This would help keep it interesting and original.


  Nothing stands out as an amazing, new, technological advancement in sound design, but the sounds that have been used, have been used well. I'd particularly like to draw attention to the hollowness of the bass sound. Although it still sounds full and raspy, it has an underlying hollow tone which I find myself drawn to uncontrollably.
  The drum work is pretty standard, a break is layered to help fill the spectrum which is does nicely. The main kick and snare could do with a little more punch, and I feel the snare sound is a little flat. I would've liked to hear it with a lot more low crunch to it. But I guess that's just my personal preference.


  This would be an easy track to drop into any set as straight from the off, there's the full drum beat. All the breaks and drops appear when they should so I can safely say this is a solidly structured track, perfect for any DJ.